General News

The Department of Science and Technology’s Marine Research Plan focuses on understanding the role of biodiversity in maintaining ecosystems’ functionality, the relationships between human pressures and ecosystems, and the impact 
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The soundscapes of our oceans have undergone substantial changes as a result of human anthropogenic activities. This, in turn, threatens the existence of ocean mammals such as the Bryde’s whale, 
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Our blog series on solar sail technology commenced with a brief overview and introduction to solar sailing as well as the controlling mechanisms of sailcrafts followed by an investigation of 
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1. Introduction – What is confocal microscopy and how does it work? Confocal microscopy is a leading imaging tool used in molecular life sciences with which to render detailed high-resolution 
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The notion of using the photons emitted from the sun for propulsion in space is not novel. In fact, as early as 1610, Johannes Kepler noticed the potential of this 
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Increased Global emissions resulted in stronger efforts to reduce emissions in order to stabilise the global warming benchmark at 1.5°C. This means that in order to meet the 2030 emissions 
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Interest in solar sailing – a revolutionary way to propel spacecraft through space – has piqued in recent years which lead to significant research and resources being contributed to developing 
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Traditionally, biological visualisation was limited to two-dimensional displays only. Until recently, using three-dimensional displays for quantitative signal assessment, including precise signal selection, processing of multiple signals and determining their spatial 
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The Department of Electric and Electronic Engineering recently developed a system to sterilise a fluid using only microwaves. This continuous flow system was designed to be used for the sterilisation 
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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it many teaching and learning challenges in higher education. As the lockdown took root, and new rules were ushered in on social distancing, it 
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