Our Electrical & Electronic Department’s Electronic Systems Laboratory (ESL) made international news on two fronts in the past few months. Our ESL student team won first prize in the student …
Every year, the Engineering Faculty at Stellenbosch University opens its doors to the public. Learners from schools across the Western Cape, often with their parents or teachers, flock to see …
Researchers from Electrical & Electronic Engineering working on the FP7 MultiWaves project spent considerable time in Scotland and Serbia in 2012, and are expected to do the same in 2013. …
Die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Meting- en Verifikasiespan (SUMV) is (voor, van links) Nelius Bekker, Adiel Jakoef (spanleier), Katrien du Preez en Johan Vermeulen. Agter staan Albert Alchin en Grant Botha. …
The Electrical and Electronic (E&E) Engineering Department’s efforts to groom sought-after engineers were significantly boosted by a funding programme by MTN last year. This programme enabled a group of students …
Leanne Pienaar, currently doing her Master’s degree with prof. Thomas Jones as supervisor, last year won the regional student competition of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers with her …
At the beginning of this year, Prof Thomas Jones took over the role of departmental chairman at Electrical and Electronic Engineering. We recently cornered him to congratulate him, and find …
‘n Groep van die Department Elektriese en Elektroniese Ingenieurswese het onlangs referate aangebied by die ‘South African University Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC)’. Hierdie konferensie het van 31 Januarie tot 1 …
So, you want to study electrical and electronic engineering… and Stellenbosch University seems to be the perfect choice from an academic point of view. But studying with us offers you …