General News

The Electrical and Electronic (E&E) Engineering Department’s efforts to groom sought-after engineers were significantly boosted by a funding programme by MTN last year. This programme enabled a group of students 
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Leanne Pienaar, currently doing her Master’s degree with prof. Thomas Jones as supervisor, last year won the regional student competition of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers with her 
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At the beginning of this year, Prof Thomas Jones took over the role of departmental chairman at Electrical and Electronic Engineering.  We recently cornered him to congratulate him, and find 
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‘n Groep van die Department Elektriese en Elektroniese Ingenieurswese het onlangs referate aangebied by die ‘South African University Power Engineering Conference (SAUPEC)’. Hierdie konferensie het van 31 Januarie tot 1 
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So, you want to study electrical and electronic engineering… and Stellenbosch University seems to be the perfect choice from an academic point of view. But studying with us offers you 
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