The Electronic Systems Laboratory (ESL) at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Stellenbosch University, is adding a new feather to its cap by stepping into Duckietown. A cutting-edge project 
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South Africa’s electric vehicle manufacturers have a golden opportunity right now. They’re in a great position to set up local factories and start producing electric vehicles right here on African 
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Can AI models learn to classify strength and conditioning exercises after being given only one example of each exercise? This is the question that Michael Deyzel and Doctor Rensu Theart, 
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On 23 June, International Women in Engineering Day, we remembered the male-dominated history of engineering and the barriers this formed for women in the field. However, with committed mentors fostering 
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Children can learn new words and corresponding visual objects from only a few word-object example pairs. This raises the question of whether multimodal speech-vision systems can be found that can 
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Historically, the strength and stability of an electrical power grid depended on the number of synchronous generators (SGs) connected to that grid. However, as traditional SG-based electrical power sources are 
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African universities and research institutes play essential roles in nurturing and producing qualified personnel to participate in various sectors of the African space industry. They are vital to Africa’s space 
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In May 1997, IBM’s Deep Blue became the first computer chess engine to defeat a reigning world champion in a chess game under regular time controls. This marked a historic 
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Climate change caused by anthropogenic carbon emissions has increased the adoption of variable renewable energy (VRE) resources as part of emissions mitigation strategies. As a result, there has been an 
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We’re proud to announce that Professor Bernard Bekker from the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of Stellenbosch University (SU) has been awarded the SARChI NRF Chair 
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